Our multifunctional biodegradable materials are produced by using waste biomass from agricultural or forestry origin such as straw, sawdust, hemp and others. And of course selected fungi who are the stars of this show! For the creation of biodegradable materials, in our case myco-materials, we use mycelium, which forms a 3D binding network in a mold of selected shape.

Mycelium is a vegetative structure of a fungus, consisting of a network of fine, branching, thread-like structures called hyphae. Mycelium in nature grows in different organic substrates, but mostly in soil or decomposing wood. The mycelium branches out to search for nutrients and water so that the whole organism can grow. In his book How Mushroom Can Save the World, Stamets says: “I believe that mycelium is the neurological network of nature”. We use this incredible feature of the mycelium to co-create biodegradable materials, turning waste into sustainable products with the help of the fungal world.

Why Mycopor?

Completely natural solution for packaging, insulating panels, building panels, acoustics panels and other structural parts.

100% environmentally friendly and harmless materials.

In harmony with nature, without leaving negative effects.

Low-energy production process.

Tailor made

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